Dalmatian Toadflax
Linaria dalmatica
Scrophulariaceae (Figwort family)
Dalmatian toadflax was introduced from southeastern Europe, most likely as an ornamental plant. It is a serious weed problem in Wyoming where it crowds out desirable vegetation.
Growth Habit: Erect perennial, up to 3 feet tall, reproducing by seed and underground root stalks.
Leaves: Alternate, divided into individual leaflets, serrated on the margins.
Stems: Heart shaped with the lobes almost encircling the upright stems; light green to grayish and waxy; opposite and seem almost in a stacked arrangement.
Flowers: Top 6 to 8 inches of each stem are surrounded with bright yellow flowers that resemble snapdragons; blooms from midsummer to fall.
Roots: Vigorous, deep and extensive, creeping.
Other: Dalmatian toadflax seeds can lie dormant for up to 10 years. It is not grazed by livestock or wildlife, and it thrives in poor soil, harsh temperatures and high elevations.