Carbon County Gravel Certification Program

There is a growing demand in Carbon County for the use of certified weed-free gravel as a preventative program in integrated Weed Management Systems to limit the spread of noxious weeds in right-of-ways. The goal of this program is to provide a guideline to set minimum requirements for uniform participation across the country. Certified gravel reduces the spread of noxious weeds and assists in the management of invasive species. Use on most federal land now requires gravel to be certified weed-free. If you would like to participate in the program, please contact a CCWP representative to schedule a time for field inspection

CCWP uses the North American Weed Free Gravel Standards and Guidelines. Click here to learn more.

To learn more about the North American Invasive Species Management Association (NAISMA) and weed free forage and gravel certification, click here to go to their website.

Minimum Guidelines for Active Material Pit Inspections:

• The pit owner/operator meets with Inspector at gravel/borrow pit site for first inspection.
• The entire border shall be walked or driven.
• All storage areas, gravel/sand piles shall also be inspected and meet the standards.
• Area around all equipment, crushers, and working areas must be inspected to meet the
• Areas shall be inspected annually with a minimum of one inspection in the growing season.
• An inspector will follow all safety protocol set forth by owner/operator while on site.
• An inspector may not inspect material site of which said inspector has ownership or financial
• Owners/operators will control as listed in appendix A within the entire area of property, this
includes stockpiles regardless of origin, parking area and driving area.