What’s New

We are bringing back The Invasive Issue Newsletter! If you would like to be added to our mailing list, click here



Check out the October issue of our newly published monthly email newsletter, The Invasive Issue! Be sure to get on our mailing list so you can have all the information sent straight to your inbox! We will resume the newsletter this month!

Have you calibrated your sprayer yet?

Calibration is one of the simplest and most effective practices that landowners can do to ensure proper herbicide application. A printable step-by-step instruction sheet can be found under our resources tab.

Mission Statement

“The Carbon County Weed and Pest Control District is committed to proving environmentally sound noxious weed control to help promote a healthy ecosystem within Carbon County, Wyoming.”

Plant Identification

Find an interesting plant on your property? We can help you identify it!

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About Us

Agriculture, energy, recreation, and wildlife. Those four words are embedded in our logo as the cornerstones that CCWP protects. Invasive species threaten native ecosystems, damage crop yield, and encroach on the outdoor pastimes that we all enjoy. With cooperation from federal and state agencies, local landowners, the University of Wyoming, other weed and pest districts, and all others who enjoy the outdoors, we work together to preserve Carbon County landscapes. Carbon County Weed & Pest (CCWP) is a legally organized Weed and Pest District by Wyoming State Statutes (W.S. 11-5-101 to 119).  charged with implementing and pursuing an effective program for the control of designated and declared weeds and pests. We are committed to keeping our native ecosystems healthy and enjoyable for all. We have offices in Rawlins, Baggs, and Riverside.

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